Bless Ahimbisibwe

The question "what is life" has eluded the minds of the mighty men of renown, ancient philosophers, and the wisest statesmen. We are in a generation that has summarised life to the abundance of things, well true life isn't having the top notch and latest designer clothes, it's living life with a purpose. And purpose is that which God brought you forth to produce on this earth, the purpose of a seed is to produce fruit, if a seed doesn't produce fruit, its purpose hasn't been fulfilled.Live a life that produces fruit, and you can't live life without purpose, and you can't Find purpose unless your in God.

The words you speak
The making and breaking
Its commonly said and know that the power of life and death lies in the tongue, but speech is not only the words you release out of your mouth, but the words you also speak to yourself in the heart and mind. What comes of your mouth is usually that which has been boiling on the outword, to really grow change the words you speak to yourself and that will change the words that flow out of the mouth

Unqualified yet qualified
THE Wright brothers
Who knew the birth of the aircraft lied in the hands of two brothers Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright, these two siblings who had no knowledge about physics and math, who knew how to repair and make bicycles, there story and invention is so amazing that it's only us that limit that we are capable of doing. You can only go as far as your mind can see, the greatest gift ever given to man, was not the gift of sight but the gift of vision. Don't let your disqualifications stop you from achieving that which God qualified you for.

The ultimate father
We have generally misunderstood who God is by trying to define him, God was there way before the words you can describe him, but he is the ultimate father, Matthew 7:9-11 says that who asks his father for bread and he gives them a stone or asks for a fish and the father gives him a snake. True life is only found in God, the creator and son Jesus christ, life outside this context isn't life, its just death walking in the shell of man